See What Educators are Saying About Essential Education

This isn't just a 'test prep' program; it's a program built around an individualized, skills-based curriculum. The practice tests and test readiness data correlate well to the student's ability to achieve success on the GED and HiSET test.

Ryan K. Sanpei McKinley Community School for Adults

Essential Education has given us the ability to take our distance and hybrid learning to a new level. Students at all levels are able to access learning materials anywhere, anytime. They can use Essential Education as a supplement to their in-person learning or as their primary instructional material.

Jamie Trujillo Albuquerque Adult Learning Center

We love Essential Education. We have had 20 students start, and they have worked 118 hours. Not one student asked for help using the program; it is that easy. The feedback from students is great. Reports are easy. I am so happy!

Lisa Woodall Gaston Community College

Learn More About our Adult Education Programs

Adult Basic Education

CASAS GOALS Academy™ and TABE 13/14 Academy™
Online, mobile-friendly ABE courses that help students make significant gains on their TABE 13 & 14 and CASAS GOALS test scores. Aligned with College and Career Readiness Standards and available for correctional facilities or programs with limited to no internet access.

ABE Essentials Workbooks
A workbook series to help your students make faster gains for TABE 13 & 14 levels E, M, D, and A, and CASAS GOALS levels A, B, C, D, and E. Over 250 easy-to-understand lessons connect to real-life situations and blend with online interactive lessons, quizzes, and practice with virtual tutors. 

High School Equivalency

GED Academy® and HiSET Academy®
Online, mobile-friendly HSE courses to prepare students to earn their diplomas. GED Academy is aligned with the official GED® Test, and HiSET Academy is aligned with the official HiSET® Exam. Both courses are also aligned with College and Career Readiness Standards and Common Core Academic Standards.

Essential Skills Workbooks
A three-workbook series approved by the GED® Test and HiSET® Exam and aligned to Common Core and College and Career Readiness Standards. Titles include Essential Reading Skills, Essential Math Skills, and Essential Writing & Language Skills, and each book contains many social studies and science concepts.

GED Ready® Practice Test
The official practice test for the GED® Test is half the actual test's length. Each GED Ready® voucher is valid for one practice test in any of the four GED® subject areas: Math, Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts. These vouchers are redeemable for the English or Spanish version of the GED Ready®.

HiSET® Official Practice Test
The HiSET® Official Practice Test, written and normed by PSI®, reliably predicts readiness for the HiSET® Exam. Available in English and Spanish, this practice test provides test takers with detailed plans of action to improve their scores. Teachers receive precise lesson plans to guide their instruction for the HiSET® Exam.

Reading and Fluency

MindPlay Reading Studio Ultra
An online reading program that helps adult students at any level quickly build their skills in phonics, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and phonemic awareness. Virtual reading coaches deliver differentiated lessons to students based on where they need to strengthen their reading skills.

Workforce Readiness

Computer Essentials™
An online, self-paced digital literacy course that teaches students the computer and internet skills they need to succeed in the modern world. This course contains over 110 lessons, activities, and assessments aligned with IC3 GS6 level 1 targets. Students earn digital badges through Credly to share on social media.

Money Essentials™
An online, self-paced financial literacy course that empowers students to take control of their money. This course is perfect for adults who need more skills to manage their finances successfully, with over twenty lessons, activities, and quizzes covering budgets, loans, financial goals, and credit.

Work Essentials™
An online, self-paced course that helps students build the employability skills they need to enter and succeed in today’s workforce. Lessons prepare students to navigate their own job search, become valued employees, and advance in their careers. Students earn digital badges through Credly to share on social media.

Dream Catcher
An online, self-paced career planning course that helps students identify their true purpose and goals in life. Twenty-five lessons, videos, practice activities, and a career planning journal show your students how to reach the career of their dreams.

College Readiness

College Essentials™
An online course that allows students to bypass developmental education courses when they head to college. This course aligns perfectly with college placement tests such as the ACCUPLACER®, walking students through everything they need to know to be college-level ready in reading, math, and writing.

Professional Development

Professional Development Series
A series of three online courses for adult education instructors. After completing each course, teachers earn Certificates of Achievement. Courses include Identifying and Remediating Reading Skills Difficulties, Motivating the Adult Learner, and Blended Learning in Adult Education.