Schedule a free TABE 13/14 Academy demo with your local representative to see the TABE data integration in action.
In partnership with Data Recognition Corporation, Essential Education has launched an innovative data-sharing capability that allows TABE 13 &14 Individual Profile Report (IPR) data to be driven directly into the Learning Management System (LMS).
View a breakdown of student performance from the IPR to assess Demonstrated Skills and Next Areas of Focus.
Quickly review class-wide performance and group students of similar skill levels for projects, lessons, and assignments.
Make data-driven instructional decisions with the ability to assign specific lessons to students based on their IPR directly in the LMS.
Compliment your lesson plans with our 508 compliant and mobile-friendly TABE 13/14 Academy course material, progress tracking, administrative capabilities, and 12-volume workbook series with virtual tutor video instruction.
District Administrators or School Administrators can place an order by following the steps below.
Step 1: Download the TABE® Services Order Form.
Step 2: Submit the completed form to DRC Shelf Customer Service.
Mail: PO Box 398, Hopkins, MN 55343-0398
Fax: (800) 282-0266
Step 3: Remit payment directly to DRC within 30 days of receiving the invoice.
Please be aware that the integration can take up to 8 weeks, depending on technical workload. After the integration is ready, it will automatically be added to your Essential Education LMS.
Who can enable the data integration?
If your district or school has a TABE 13/14 Academy™ license with Essential Education, the data integration can be enabled. A District Administrator or School Administrator should be the one to place the order.
What is the cost to enable the data integration?
There is a $225 one-time fee to enable the data integration for your district or school. If you are a district with multiple schools and plan to roll out the integration to different schools in multiple phases, the cost is $225 for each phase. Contact if you have any questions about pricing.
What comes with the integration?
Data from your student's TABE test results imported directly into your Essential Education LMS
Dates, scores, and proficiency levels shown by domain on the Skill Mastery Report
Areas of Next Focus aligned to Essential Education lessons for simple remediation and assignment
Class reports to group students by proficiency levels for targeting instruction
After I order, how do I get the integration?
After the order is processed, the data will automatically be imported into your Essential Education LMS. Our support team will notify District Administrator(s) and/or School Administrator(s) when the integration is live. You will also see a TABE Integration button appear under the Administration tab in the LMS.
How will the integration benefit teachers and students?
The integration empowers instructional decisions and helps students make measurable skill gains by providing teachers with a comprehensive view of the student's testing data alongside the student's performance. After a student completes the TABE test, teachers receive a breakdown of student data from the TABE Individual Profile Report (IPR) across the domains to assess Demonstrated Skills and areas to focus on next.
Additionally, running the Skill Mastery Report for an entire class will allow you to see TABE test results (Non-Proficiency, Partial Proficiency, and Proficiency) by domain for your whole class. This eliminates the need to run single IPRs and try to compare them manually to see which domains different students are needing extra support to succeed.
Schedule a free TABE 13/14 Academy demo with your local representative to see the TABE data integration in action.